MoreArt Desktop
MoreArt Mobile


Redesigning MoreArt, an organization that supports collaboration between artists and communities to create public art



More Art is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that supports collaborations between professional artists and communities to create public art and educational programs that inspire social justice.


To redesign's website by applying the design thinking process

My Role

UX Designer, team of 3


Two weeks


Figma, Miro, Zoom,, Previewed


Research Interviews

We began the process by conducting 4 research interviews to figure out the habits and painpoints of users when they donate online. Moreover, we wanted to know the general needs of people who are interested in social initiatives, and get a sense of how they perceive non-profit organizations as a whole.

research interview 1
research interview 2
research interview 3
research interview 4

Research Findings

  • There is a desire to see people genuinely help others
  • There is a general agreement that it's important to support social causes
  • They discover non-profit organizations and social causes via social media

“In an age where everything is driven by profit, non-profit organizations believe in a cause and I want to help”



We also conducted a survey to get some quantitative data regarding this subject. Out of 22 responses, 86.4% wanted to know where their donations went.

What makes it difficult to donate?

"Not knowing where the donation will end up"

"It's not convenient"

"Lack of trust"

Proto Persona

We created a proto persona to represent our assumptions of MoreArt's ideal user

proto persona

Heuristic Evaluation

After performing a heuristic evaluation on MoreArt's current website, it was evident that there was a need to make the designs between pages feel more consistent. There were also a number of broken links throughout the site. Despite all this, the website does have help available in every page and there are a limited number of buttons and links.

Heuristic 1


We annotated MoreArt's website as well to identify notable elements and key areas of improvement

Annotations 1
Annotations 2
Annotations 3

Definition & Ideation

Affinity Diagram

We gathered all our findings from the research interviews and organized them into an affinity diagram. Concerns about transparency and trust naturally came up as we grouped the data.

Affinity Diagram

User Insight

We decided to focus on the themes surrounding transparecy and trust as this seemed to be the most important factor for our users.

People who donate online need to have a simple, reassuring, and accountable giving experience because trust and transparency are key into motivating users to donate.

User Persona

User Persona

Competitor Analysis

We conducted a competitor analysis to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of organizations within the same space.

  • Donate page is easy to scan
  • Website is beautifully designed
  • No breakdown of how the money is being used
Free Arts NYC
  • There is a page dedicated to the financial breakdown of donations
  • Lots of donation options
  • Aesthetics need improvement
  • Prominent donation button
  • Allows one-time as well as monthly donations
  • Homepage is a little busy

Prototyping & Testing

I Like, I Wish, What If...

We knew that we wanted the donation workflow to be simpler with a clean and modern design. Users should also be able to donate to specific projects.

I Like I Wish What If

Mood Board

Quicksand, a sans serif font, was used as it conveyed approachability. We also looked at museums and architecture that had a modern and contemporary feel to develop the website's aesthetics.

Mood Board

Style Guide

We used the striking Persian Blue that goes very well with the black background. Colors weere kept to a minimum to enhance the site's simplicity.

Style Guide

User Flows

We focused on the three main user flows of the website: donations, exhibitions, and the shopping experience


Lo-fi Prototypes

Home Desktop
RSVP Desktop
Shop Desktop
lofi home
lofi rsvp
lofi shop

Hi-fi Prototypes

Home Desktop
RSVP Desktop
Shop Desktop
Home Mobile
RSVP Mobile
Shop Mobile

User Tests

We conducted 3 user tests on our hi-fi prototype to validate (or invalidate) our designs. We ask our users to RSVP on a project, make a $25 donation, add an item to their cart, and check out. Some of the feedback we received are the ff:

  • RSVP cta was confusing
  • Waited for a pop up to ask the user to check out; clicking the cart wasn't intuitive
  • Kept seeing the value proposition on the donations page and thought something was broken
  • Struggled to return home from the donations page; navbar missing on the page
  • Checkout experience was intuitive

Iterated Hi-fi Prototypes

Home Desktop
Donations Desktop
Exhibitions Desktop
public water
Shop Desktop
Checkout Desktop
hifi home
hifi shop
hifi exhibits

Next Steps

There were a lot of low-hanging fruits that our team addressed to vastly improve the overall experience on the website. Exhibitions are now more navigable better highlights MoreArt's previous and current endeavors. Checkout is more contemporary and intuitive. Lastly, the home page has clear value propositions, with the donation page more streamlined and reassuring.

Despite all these improvements, there is still more work left to be done.

  • Redesign the artist's page.
  • Include more ways to reassure customers during the giving experience (certifications, awards, display no. of donations).
  • Follow-up with testers to see if the iterations worked.