



Pretty reliable and a lot of users have it installed in their computers so there's no need for installation/on-boarding. It produces space-efficient video recordings, too, which is a plus.


I really love Otter for its simplicity. it starts transcribing with a click of a button. Although the transcription needs editing to make it truly accurate, it still does a remarkable job capturing every word in an interview. Having it turned on with Zoom is a boon for any UX designer.


Google Forms

Google Forms is my survey builder of choice simply because it lives within Google's ecosystem. Using it just makes my workflow more streamlined.




I haven't found a better collaboration tool than Miro. It feels so satisfying to see your team buzzing around, placing post-it notes in an infinite board. It's also great for generating user personas, graphs, and frameworks.



I like creating moodboards with InVision but I hardly use it for anything else. Still a decent tool for organizing your ideas.

Mockups & Prototyping



I find it so easy to create mockups and do fast prototyping with Figma. With the ability to use wirekits and plugins created by a passionate community of designers, Figma's just hard to beat. I love using this tool.


Adobe XD

Fell in love with its smart animate feature. Although I mainly use Figma, AdobeXD also does its job very well. Prototyping is very intuitive when using this tool.




My Javascript framework of choice. Everything just... made sense when I started using this framework. Component building has never been easier.


Material UI

I've been using this since the beginning. Back then, you had to add inline style properties paired with the 'important' rule to apply your own styles. A lot has changed since then and I'll choose Material UI over Bootstrap any day. Bonus: your components automatically follow material design guidelines.


GraphQL + Apollo

Being able to just call the data that you need is one of the hallmark features of GraphQL. It's fast, easy to incorporate into components, and the documentation is excellent.


Jest + React Testing Library

Jest is a testing framework that comes out-of-the-box from Create React App. It's pretty easy to create mocks with it. Alongside React Testing Library, I've found everything I need to do unit tests with these two.



Let's just say I wish I learned this React-based framework when it first came out. It's a remarkable solution for frontend developers. Not only is it React-based, but it also has hosting, scaling, and data querying solutions that just makes my life easier. Fun fact: this portfolio website was made with GatsbyJS!


Tailwind CSS

Another one of those "I wish I learned this sooner" type of frameworks. Some people would say it's just Bootstrap but what separates it from the rest is its utility-first approach. There is a learning curve to use TailwindCSS but it feels so good once I got accustomed to its concepts. It makes my styles reusable, development is faster, AND it allows me to have little to no CSS files in my projects.


Google Analytics

Quantitative metrics alongside qualitative data is essential in creating a complete picture of a product. Google Analytics just makes it easier to capture KPIs and present numbers to stakeholders.